If you signed up with an email address, you can now sign in with your phone number 📱
Please note: this feature may not be available to all users 👀
Q: How do I sign in with a phone number?
A: If you signed up for a Bitmoji account using an email address, you can use your phone number to sign in.
Important note: In order for you to be able to sign in with your phone number, it must be verified on your account. Follow these steps to verify your phone.
- Download the latest version of Bitmoji from the Play Store or the App Store
- Select ‘Log In’
- Tap on ‘Phone Number’ to switch your login method
- Enter the phone number associated with your account
- Enter your password to log in
Please note: you may need to change your country code by tapping on the flag to the left of the phone number field.
Q: I signed up via Snapchat, how do I log in with my phone number?
A: If you signed up with Snapchat, please select ‘Continue with Snapchat’. From there, you will be able to log in with the phone number associated with your Snapchat account.
Forgot your Snapchat password? Please follow the directions to reset your password on Snapchat Support 👍
Q: I forgot my password. How do I change it?
A: You can change your password at any time if you have access to the phone number associated with your account. You can request a new password by following the steps below.
- From the ‘Log In’ page, tap on ‘Phone Number’ to switch your login method
- Tap on ‘Forgot Password’ to reset your password and enter your phone number
- You’ll receive a password reset link via SMS
- Tap on the link to enter and save a new password
Please Note: this login method is only available on the Bitmoji app. If you experience issues signing in on another Bitmoji app (such as the Bitmoji Chrome Extension), please ensure you add an email address to your Bitmoji account.
Still experiencing issues logging in? Head to our Log In to Bitmoji App article for additional help.